Client Profile and Alert Page
This module lets you track personal information about your clients, but it also has a built in Alert Function to create a safe and secure working environment for everyone.
Landlord Relations
Track and monitor client relations with landlords, including evictions, complaints and violations of tenant or landlord rights.
Services Provided
This module tracks the types of services and units of service provided for each client. A useful tool when completing program reporting and tracking program effectiveness.
Brief Outcome Tracking System (BOTS)
Do you have a lot of front desk or brief contact clients? The BOTS module was designed to address brief contact clients who need only cursory support from your staff. This module allows you to track how often clients access services at the front desk. These clients may not move beyond initial support.
Housing History
The Housing History module allows you to track the accommodation history of each client, monitor the types of accommodation, duration of stays and reasons for leaving.
Case Notes
This module allows for easy compilation and tracking of case notes for each client, case notes can be viewed by program delivery teams, managers and caseworkers.
Hostel Stays or Treatment Stays
This module tracks overnight stays for each client. This tool can help determine the average length of stays for specific clients, their frequency of stays, as well as track general demographic information including clients home communities, gender and age.
Social Housing
This module allows you to track your client’s involvement in the social housing system, monitor wait lists, application stage, eligibility requirements and clients housing criteria.
Case Plan
This module links case plans directly to the client profile, easily update, monitor and track progress of each client as they work their way through their case plan.
Subsidy Tracking
This is a powerful tool to track subsidies provided for clients. Lets you track and monitor client subsidies, administered by the agency. Subsidies that include utility arrears, rent bank, rent supplements, stability benefits and loan programs. It can readily interface with financial software.